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Information: elementary math concepts

Children today are growing up in a world permeated by mathematics. Elementary math is the beginning of learning basic math concepts. These concepts must be mastered before trying more advanced elementary math activities. If basic math concepts are not understood, it could lead to confusion for children as they begin to learn elementary math strategies. This confusion may lead to a poor self image or a negative view of math. Some elementary math concepts include:

  • Quantity - understanding that numbers of items can be counted
  • Number recognition - knowing numbers by name
  • Number meaning - quantity versus position in a sequence
  • Operations - understanding that quantities can be added

Just as a good math curriculum teaches math in sequence, free elementary math worksheets allow children to progressively build understandings, skills, and confidence.

Help your child with their math

Helping your child learn math can be intimidating. You may feel anxious about helping your child with their math. It is important to have a positive attitude because children can pick up on the fact that math may be an emotional topic for you. With free elementary math worksheets, you have a guide to help you help your child.

You first need to make sure your child understands the math assignment. Simply ask them to explain the assignment to you. This helps you determine the level of help they need and helps you decide on which free elementary math worksheet to use.

Make math a part of your day to day routines. For example, you can use the minutes left on the clock until lunchtime as an exercise for subtraction, or multiplying the number of boys and girls in the class. While math does utilize the methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, it is also so much more than these concepts. It can be used to solve problems. Explain to your child how math works to solve different problems, such as knowing how many pieces of cake you need to cut. Make math fun by incorporating math with games to make math more interesting.

How math worksheets help children learn

Free elementary math worksheets can help your child build their math skills. After introducing a math concept, you can show them how it works and then let them practice the concept using a worksheet. Worksheets add variety to the math learning process and reinforce concepts that are important to master. Even after your student has mastered the new concept, continue to review as often as you can. Elementary math worksheets also allow your child to grow their math skills at a pace that is comfortable for them. Worksheets allow your child to explore math and enjoy the experience of learning math.